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How Small Business
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Mental Health Benefits

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Importance of Mental Health

Now more than ever, mental health is a prominent subject on the minds of Americans. According to the National Institute for Mental Health leaving site report, nearly 1 in 5 U.S. adults live with a mental illness. Not only are more Americans getting diagnosed with mental health conditions, but they are also seeking ways to address them. An Open Minds report leaving site estimates Americans spend $225 billion annually on mental health treatments, medication, and services.

Even so, a 2019 study by One Mind leaving site estimates nearly $44 billion is lost in work productivity annually. This is primarily due to depression. Small business owners must be aware of their employees' mental health needs.

The Toll of Poor Mental Health at Work

Employees are asking employers to be more proactive about mental health. Neglecting mental health has consequences. Those who fail to address employees' mental well-being may see waves of unhappiness and departures.

The cost of a revolving workforce can affect the bottom line. More importantly, from a human standpoint, individuals coping with declining mental health may associate negative emotions with the workplace. This can have a wide range of effects. Workers might:

A 2019 Harvard Business Review report saw two-thirds of respondents discussing mental health at work leaving site. While this may seem like progress, only 49% of respondents felt positive about those interactions. Creating a nurturing work environment is an integral part of employee happiness.

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Creating a Happy Workplace Culture

Prioritizing mental health is the first step toward creating a happy and healthy workplace culture. From there, involving individuals at every level of the company is critical. Enlisting the services of employees will help in developing a plan to address mental well-being. Consider the following methods for building a happy workplace.

Provide Options in Work Locations

Providing employees the ability to work from home contributes to overall workforce happiness. Since 2020 changed how the world works, commutes are no longer seen as necessary. In fact, offering a range of work models, like hybrid or fully remote, has become a primary recruiting tactic. Not only will it attract top talent, but it is most likely to help employee retention.

Create Flexibility in Hours

There are 168 hours in a week, 112 if you subtract eight hours a night for sleeping. This means the 40 hours a week your employees work represents more than a third of their waking lives. Work responsibilities and expectations must reflect that. Ensuring your employees have a harmonious work-life balance is imperative. Operating on a 9-to-5 work schedule is now outdated. Allowing employees to complete their assignments when they can work best may help relieve stress company-wide.

Offer Health Insurance with Strong Mental Health Coverage

Most health insurance plans these days include mental health treatment and services coverage. However, all plans are not created equally. Examining the health insurance provider's emphasis on mental health will go a long way toward choosing the right plan. Providing comprehensive health insurance is a proven step toward helping employees access affordable mental health treatment and services.

What is the Average Cost of Therapy?

More Americans are attending therapy or receiving counseling than ever before. According to Statista, 41 million adults utilize some form of therapy leaving site as of 2020. However, therapy is not a cheap treatment. Prices for therapy leaving site can range from $65 to $250 across the country. Health insurance covers mental health, making it more affordable and accessible. Insurance coverage ensures a therapy session's copay will only cost a patient anywhere from a few dollars to $50.

How Our Insurance Plans Cover Mental Health

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) is committed to the complete health care of our members. Addressing mental health in our health insurance plans is integral to our approach. Providing compassionate case managers, specialty programs, and member support are essential components of our mental health benefits, which we call behavioral health. This comes standard with every small group health insurance plan.

BCBSIL provides our members access to private, online programs to maintain their mental health through Blue Access for MembersSM (BAMSM). We accomplish this by offering an online assessment, which assists members in locating potentially helpful programs. We also give members access to proven therapy-based techniques with quick, easy online lessons. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois also has expert coaches ready to guide and inspire members to reach their mental health goals. Of course, these resources—including individual results, programs, and messages—are always private. The health and privacy of our members is our number one priority.

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