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Understanding the Cost
of Small Business
Health Insurance Plans

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There are multiple factors that determine the cost of small business health insurance plans. Follow along to get the details and ensure you are choosing the the best health insurance plan as a small business owner.

What is the Cost of Small Business Health Insurance?

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation leaving site , premiums for employer sponsored family health coverage reached $22,463 in 2022. Workers, on average, paid $6,106 toward the cost of the coverage. That means businesses covered 73% of costs. Specifically looking at small businesses, employers contributed $6,650 to individual employees' premiums. Employees of small businesses contributed $1,362.”

How much an owner pays depends on what metal tier and type of plan (HMO and PPO) is selected. Your contribution strategy also factors into the cost of health insurance for your small business. Most states require a minimum contribution for employer coverage.

What are Metal Tiers in Small Business Health Insurance?

Other Factors That Affect Your Insurance Cost

Five factors impact small business owners’ health insurance cost: the size of your business, the type of coverage you select, the age of your employees, business locations, and claims history. Let’s see how each can impact your cost.

Size of your business: Businesses with more employees pay lower premiums than those with fewer employees. The financial risk is smaller as the cost of claims can be absorbed by more employees.

Type of insurance: The coverage you select will determine how much you pay. More comprehensive plans that cover preventive care and prescription drugs tend to drive insurance costs up because those plans cost more to provide.

Age of Employees: The age of your employees can affect how your monthly premium. Older employees or those with more chronic conditions may be more expensive to insure than younger, healthier employees.

Location of your business: Major cities tend to have higher costs.

Your business claims history: Small businesses with high claims may have to pay higher premiums. A business that files higher claims will cost the insurance company more money.

We're here to help you understand health care options that meet employees’ needs and your budget. Learn more about available plan options or get a quote.

How Much You Contribute

One factor you can control is how much you contribute to the monthly premiums. As a small business owner in Illinois, you must at least contribute 25% to pay your employees' monthly premiums, or you can pay for more. One of the advantages of paying the full amount is that you have a better opportunity to retain talent and recruit new employees.

Tax Credit, Deductions, and Reimbursements

As part of the Affordable Care Act, small businesses can apply for a tax credit. There are other means of financial relief when offering employees health insurance, including tax deductions. Expenses that may qualify include monthly premiums, contributions to an HSA (Health Savings Account), and tax-advantaged dollars.

According to Leaving Site, qualifications for a tax credit include: also offers a tax credit estimator Leaving Site to see if your business is eligible for a tax credit. Contact a tax professional to give you more details on the tax advantages you may qualify for by offering your employees health insurance.

Non-Monetary Benefits of Small Group Health Insurance

There are added non-monetary benefits to offering health insurance. Increased well-being of individuals comes with confidence in their plan's ability to cover expenses. Employees are more likely to schedule routine check-ups, pursue specialist appointments, and take advantage of the health care benefits, which may reduce sick days. When you offer health insurance, the overall well-being of the workplace is likely to improve.

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